Asking for your thoughtful donation!
Our non-profit organization (Hieiri Hojin) “Mother’s Tree Japan” depends on your donations and membership fee for its operation.
We would be most grateful if you could kindly support our activities by making a contribution to show that you agree with the purpose of our mission.
Your donation will be of great help to many foreign mothers and their babies in Japan, thus creating a society full of rich and diverse smiles.
We would be most grateful if you could kindly support our activities by making a contribution to show that you agree with the purpose of our mission.
Your donation will be of great help to many foreign mothers and their babies in Japan, thus creating a society full of rich and diverse smiles.
For that purpose, please make as follows
Remittance to Japan Post Bank
- Japan Post Bank, branch 019
Current Account (Touza yokin) 0293636
Mother’s Tree Japan
Remittance to Mitsubishi UFJ Bank
- Mitsubishi UFJ Bank, Kokubunji Branch
Ordinary Savings Deposit (Futsuu yokin) 0416439
Tokutei Hieiri Katsudohoujin Mother’s Tree Japan
Monthly support with your credit card
This would allow us to provide much needed support to the foreign mothers who worry about giving birth and taking care of their babies in Japan.
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