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Prenatal and postnatal support
for foreign women living in Japan
and multicultural childcare

Gathering for non-Japanese parents in Kyushu area

A chance to ask questions and discuss about your pregnancy, postpotumn in KYUSHU area.
Ask questions freely to Midwife.
Sat 8th February, 10:30am – 12:00pm
Online : Free Charge

    Name *
    Email Address *
    Which part of Kyushu are you living? *
    Preferred Language *
    Date *


    Dormant deposit utilization project
    Welfare And Medical Service Agency (WAM) (Social welfare promotion subsidy business)

    Sponsoring companies

    Interculture Art Inc.
    Hannan Chuo Hospital
    Shops recommended for foreign pregnant women and mothers raising children
    Please feel free to contact us on LINE
    Make a donation